1. 1ST International conference on Health Technology and Biomedical Engineering (ICHTBE). This conference is organized by the Faculty of Health Technology and Engineering, Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Trans-Ekulu, Enugu, Nigeria.
2. Call for Contribution: prospective authors are encouraged to contribute in boosting the image of this conference by submitting research papers or posters of high quality. Research papers describing original results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental or theoretical works in the different tracks are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. Those who are unable to travel to the conference venue due to Covid-19 pandemic can present their paper via zoom. Papers are required to cover research areas under these three tracks:
Conference Theme: Understanding Emerging Innovations in Health Care with a special focus on Africa
Conference Dates: 18th to 20th of August 2021.
(a) Biomedical Engineering:
Papers under this track should cover but not limited to the following-
- Health informatics
- Biomedical signal processing
- Medical image processing
- Biomedical instrumentations
- Biomechanics
- Non-invasive techniques
- Medical imaging physics
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in health
- Biomedical sensors and wearable systems
- Biomedical Engineering Education and society
- Computational systems, modeling and simulation in medicine
- Biomedical materials
(b) Public Health
Papers under this track should cover but not limited to the following areas:
- Emerging Diseases in Africa: from bench to bedside;
- Africa’s Experience in time of pandemics – Lessons from Ebola, Lassa fever and COVID-19;
- Translational Medicine and the Future of Healthcare in Africa
- Natural Medicine as the New Frontier in Healthcare.
- Mobile Technologies and healthcare in Africa: Prospects and Challenges.
- Role of Big Data Analytics in Public Health
- Epidemiology and cycle of infectious diseases
- Food habits and safety: A full scale Public Health concern in Nigeria
- Role of water in health and spread of infectious and parasitic diseases in Nigeria
- Implementing occupational health and safety programs: A vital bridge to public health and worker’s safety
(c) Prosthetics and Orthotics:
Papers under this track should cover but not limited to the following areas:
- Prosthetics technology
- Advanced prosthetics technology
- Amputee and prosthetics rehabilitation
- Human motion and Dynamics
- Prosthetics design
- Limb prostheses
- Prosthetics arm technology
- Amputation and artificial limbs
- Knee replacement
- Wheelchair technology
(d) Dental Health:
Papers under this track should cover but not limited to the following areas:
- Dental Ethics, Dental Health Education and Hygiene
- Dental Implants
- Public Health Dentistry
- Dental Surgery
- Dental Biomaterials
- Prosthodontics
- Endodontic and Periodontology
- Oral Surgery and preventive Dentistry
- Community Dentistry
- Oral Pathology and Oral Health
- Restorative Dentistry
- Tooth anatomy, decay and care.
- Dental Robotics and Nano dentistry
- Dental Nursing and Dental Practice
- Case Studies and Reports in Dentistry and Oral Health
(d) Social Work:
Track under Social work will capture but not limited to the role of social workers in the era of pandemics and disasters following pandemics with special focus on the following-
- Disaster preparedness
- Rapid response social work
- Gender and disasters
- Vulnerability and resilience in post-disaster sites
- Social work practice in environmental disasters
- Social work in terrorist and conflict situations
- Social work interventions with victims and families following violent attacks on the general public, for example, shootings and knife attacks
- Social work practice relating to the pandemics
- Social work in unsafe situations
- Post-disaster experiences
- Social work and global actions to address disasters
Prospective authors are therefore encouraged to submit their papers for review as an attachment to facultyofhealthtech@fedcodtten.edu.ng. Papers can be compiled either with MS-WORD or LATEX and must be single column with Times New Roman font and a font size of 11. Other details about paper template will be communicated to authors together with reviewer’s comments and they must be fully followed in preparing the camera-ready copies.
3. Important Deadline Dates:
Full paper/poster submission – 14th June 2021
Notification of acceptance or rejection – 30th June 2021
Submission of camera-ready papers – 6th July 2021
4. Keynote Topics:
The following keynote topics will be delivered by experts on the first day of the conference.
Keynote topics:
(a) “Biomedical Engineering Education, training and professional development” to be delivered by Prof. Paul Nnamchi, from University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
(b) Public Health in the Era of Big Data
(c) “Neonatal intervention strategies for reduction of Neonatal mortality rate in Africa” to be delivered by Prof. Hippolite Amadi, a distinguished professor of Bioengineering at Imperial College, London.
5. Conference Registration Fees
Local students – N8, 000
Foreign students – USD 100
Early bird registration – N20, 000
Late registration – N25, 000
Intending participants for this conference can utilize the early bird registration window (check information on important deadline dates) by depositing the approved registration fees to this account details:
Account Name: Faculty of Health Technology and Engineering Conference and Workshop.
Account Number: 3003303521
Bank Name: UBA
Evidence of fee deposit/transfer should then be emailed to remy.diovu@fedcodtten.edu.ng for proper documentation.
6. Conference proceedings: All submitted conference papers will be peer reviewed (blind review) by three competent reviewers. All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings. It is to be noted that any paper that is not presented will not be included in the conference proceedings. In addition, a number of selected high-quality papers will be recommended for publication in high impact factor journals related to the research paper. However, the authors of such papers will be responsible for publication fees if such papers pass the review process of such Journals and are considered for publication.
Further enquiries concerning this conference can be directed to:
Dr. Diovu Remigius Chidiebere
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Health Technology and Engineering.
Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy,
Trans-Ekulu Enugu, Nigeria.